Slavery and Its Attributes


The word slave is derived from “Slav”, it is just because; during the middle ages most of slaves in Europe and Islamic World were comes from the Slavic Eastern Europe. It is in the fifteenth century when the slavery became linked with the people of Sub-Saharan African. In 1644, before the Dutch ceded Manhattan to the British, forty percent (40%) of the population of Africans made up enslaved.

As far as we open the pages of history we see that the slavery was found in the most advanced regions of the world. In the era of first civilization within the premises of Tigris and Euphrates rivers in Mesopotamia, the Nile in Egypt, the Indus valley of India and China’s Yangtze River Valley all the regions had slavery. The earliest known law, the Hummurabi Code, distinguished the slavery; as the slaves can be bought and or inherited. As we can see in the Old Testament when any of wars held the war men were killed, but the women and the old ones with children got enslaved. The first known slavery society can be found in the third and fourth century B.C. in the ancient Greece and Rome.


At the end of fifteenth century when the European began to colonize the New World the institution of slavery was there. As the European were using blacks and Russian as there slaves to raise sugar and Italian Plantations.

During the 1500 to 1900 there was 10 to 15 million of slaves were forcibly transported across the Atlantic. It was largest movement of slave transportation called Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. At least 2 million Africans got death during the infamous “Middle Passage” across the Atlantic. Moreover 15 to 30 percent died during the march along the cost. For every 100 of the slaves who reached to the new world another 40 had died in Africa or during the Middle Passage.

The main mantra to develop this study is to present the reparations of slavery should not be paid to the African Americans. We will analyze the scenario by raising rhetorical questions along with enforcing the dilemma by establishing ethos, pathos and logos of the slavery and African American.

Literature Review

By bounding the swivel of this subscribe to slavery reparations in the U.S., vindicate stake can be extended for expressing communicating, and to ball-breaker serviceable a result that may pass out as a symbol for other reparations cases.

Ground created about reparations for slavery

Because, this stance is the most controversial of reparations discussions on the register, and the most in depletion of lucidity and considering. The fact is that our reparations have a crop to appearance: Do we typewrite historical errors that have arisen out of our nations’ history, and if selections to do so how do us tribute those errors?

The stance of reparations isn’t about punishing unexampled scrap of the cats for ancestral crimes sworn against another. Nor should the hitch be worn as a divisive shot to modify our rabble into “Yea” or “Nay” camps. Patsy her verdict, this critic believes the reparations represents a shot for cyst, and can get behind as a remedial quarry for settlement, schooling and one’s turn for all our citizens.

Reparations contemporary compound and speckled features that need a wide considerate of the economics, philosophy, education, law, history and politics nearby the stance, but it also needs some considerate of troubles faced by common people that are pretentious on a daily basis by slavery persuaded social differences that persist to survive in our national realism. In this date of “sound-byte” rhetoric, and crude advancement to stance, intricacy is not a vice, it’s a confront.

The discussions over reparations for African-Americans usually have focused on the general subordination of Blacks under color of rule and has cored upon curative justice for slavery. The fundamental basis for reparations influences deceit mainly in the misuse of African slave effort for hundreds of years (Adjoa, 2002). Though as Professor Boris Bittker accounted in his influential journal on reparations, “to focus on slavery is to minimize the case for reparation . . . [since] . . . in realism, slavery was pursued not by a century of parity but by a meager decade of undecided development, frequently checked by aggression.” (Boris, 1973)

Many primitive American industries were relied on the tobacco, cotton, rice, sugar, and other productions made by African workers. Railroads and transport companies, the banking sector and many other businesses imaginary massive profits from the import generated by the revenue of slaved labor. Slaves shapely the U.S. Washington, survey and hoisted the reflection of ransom on top spot of its ground, and unlocked the wilderness between the Capitol and the White House. (Robinson, 2001)

Slavery energized the joy of the succulent population

From 1790 to 1860 different, the U.S. market reaped the benefits of as much as $40 million in gratis combat ( Some accounts the undistinguished thing of these unpaid workers at 1.4 trillion dollars. Not only did the organization of slavery outcome in the extinguishment of millions of Africans, it disemboweled sure-enough cultures: mores, religions, languages and customs, it expressively despondent its victims ( It yanked from them, their news item, their memories, and their families on a cast never previously witnessed. When the situation in conclusion complete, the remnants, racial inequalities and cultural intuitive scars empty a disproportionate constitute of American slave progeny scraped and yet lost improve.

Yet for those who were “unchained” their lives still sheltered in quasi-servitude, liable to good, efficient and intuitive restraints that effectively closed their efficient, biased and social advancement. Id. In Consequence, early dealings titled “Black Codes” guaranteed influence of Blacks by white employers. As John Hope Franklin accounted in From Slavery to Freedom:

“the influence of blacks by white employers was regarding as immense as that which slaveholders had experienced. Blacks who give up their work could be detained and jailed for violation of agreement. They were not permitted to swear in court excluding in cases concerning members of their own community; many fines were forced for subversive dialogues, insulting signs or proceeds, lack from labor, infringing curfews and the control of weapons. There was of path no enfranchisement of blacks and no suggestion that in the future they could look onward to occupied nationality and contribution in democratic system”. (Franklin, 1947)

The post-Reconstruction Southern performances of peonage and sharecropping which sustained healthy into the twentieth century were straight results of slavery that sustained a system of absolute influence by the leading civilization. Peonage was a compound organization where a black person would be detained for “vagrancy”, tied to forfeit a penalty that he could not manage to pay for, and then imprisoned. A plantation proprietor would then disburse the penalty and then employ him until he could afford to bribe the penalty. The peon was obligatory to job, imprisoned at night and if he runaway was pursued by bloodhounds until evoked.

Under the southern law, slaves had less valued than the animals

They could easily be bought, sold, leased and cruelly punished. Slaves were prohibited from testifying against whites, traveling without passes and even they cannot owe or build houses for there futures; they had to spend there life to death era in slavery. There quarters are near to chickens, dogs and pigs racks. The children of the slaves are very much underweight at the time of birth, comparatively with white children they are so much sick, short and underweight while there growing age.

Marriages of slaves were not recognized in the American law. As a master can sell a husband from wife, a child from there parent, a brother from a sister. The lives of slaves always under distress of sever. It is on there masters will to hang up together.

The traditional values of slaves are very much protected

As when they die they buried with their own tradition. The religious and cultural traditions play a very important role in their working life. Slaves also continues in there parables, proverbs and there traditional games. They are pretty much free to do there worships. In the realms of art, folklore, music, dance, language and religions, slaves created a distinctive culture which blends the Africans and Americans into a new synthesis. Through folklore slaves transfer there traditions to their children for a separate identity.

Most of words of American language derived from Africanisms. Such words as bogus, phony, yam, bug, jazz, funky, gumbo, tote and jamboree all have African roots. Our cuisines are heavily influenced with the Central and West Africa like deep-fat frying, fricassees and gumbos. American music also comes from the African cultural music. Finally, Africans plays a huge role in producing such corps as rice and sweet potatoes that English had not previously encountered.

Slavery institutions began from the ancient centuries and still alive. But it takes many a changes in its probation. Now by comparing with older slave institution new world slaves are very much free to enhance there life style.

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